Friday, September 24, 2010

Meet Emily

    Hello! My name is Emily Hunt, and I am the new Girls Ministry Director “Dudette.” I’ve been helping lead worship for a little over a year now at Fusion. (Yes, I am the blonde with the pink capo and pink guitar strap and pink sticker...that’s me.) I am excited to finally have such an opportunity to connect with and serve the students I’ve gotten to know over this past year. The driving force behind me is God’s heart for these girls, His passion and purpose for their lives. And lucky me! I get an excuse to hang out with awesome young women who love their Jesus.
    A couple facts about me: I am twenty years old. My birthday is January 17th, and I am a fan of the color pink. I work a part time job as a Barista at Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee in Roswell. (Yes, I am a total coffee nerd.) I met many of the LEAP students at Bridgepointe last summer when I was an intern at the Journey Church in New York City and went on the Indiana Mission Trip this past summer. After spending a week with that team, I knew where I would be the first Sunday I was back home in Georgia.
    I am really looking forward to this new season, and all I ask is for prayers that God will use me to make a lasting impact on the hearts and lives of those God puts in my path. Thank you and have a great day! 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How's your fruit, How's your health

Does anyone else get a guilty feeling every time a speaker talks about doing something.  Like you all need to bear fruit or wind souls or quit gossiping or whatever topic they are talking about.  I do I could have not gossiped in a year and I still feel guilty about that I have no idea why but I do.  The scriptures do this to me sometimes.  As I think about it... that's okay.  I am not perfect, I can always use a reminder of stepping up in whatever area of my life.  The scripture that is constantly spinning around in my head is Matthew 7.  When Jesus talks about Fruit what does he mean? Am I bearing fruit?  I know I don't want to be cut down?  Does this mean I need to work harder, read more, talk more, prepare more?????  Maybe those are the wrong questions.

Matthew 7:16-20 (New International Version)
16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

I honestly don't know what this means for my life yet, I don't know what it means for yours either.  As I think about fruit though and trees producing it.  Things need to be right internally.  The roots and leaves have to be healthy to bear fruit.  So I have to ask how are my roots?  Is my faith deep in good soil?  How are my leaves?  Does my outward actions match my inward faith?  If those are healthy the fruit will be come in season.  I think sometimes I get thinking about why fruit isn't being produced in my life and honestly it just isn't the right season. 

Let your self off the guilt trip, concentrate on being healthy.  Truly healthy, Take a walk. Pray alongside a river or lake. Read the Bible in a different version than you are used to.  Get healthy and in your season you will yield a huge harvest.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Meet Emily

    Hello! My name is Emily Hunt, and I am the new Girls Ministry Director “Dudette.” I’ve been helping lead worship for a little over a year now at Fusion. (Yes, I am the blonde with the pink capo and pink guitar strap and pink sticker...that’s me.) I am excited to finally have such an opportunity to connect with and serve the students I’ve gotten to know over this past year. The driving force behind me is God’s heart for these girls, His passion and purpose for their lives. And lucky me! I get an excuse to hang out with awesome young women who love their Jesus.
    A couple facts about me: I am twenty years old. My birthday is January 17th, and I am a fan of the color pink. I work a part time job as a Barista at Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee in Roswell. (Yes, I am a total coffee nerd.) I met many of the LEAP students at Bridgepointe last summer when I was an intern at the Journey Church in New York City and went on the Indiana Mission Trip this past summer. After spending a week with that team, I knew where I would be the first Sunday I was back home in Georgia.
    I am really looking forward to this new season, and all I ask is for prayers that God will use me to make a lasting impact on the hearts and lives of those God puts in my path. Thank you and have a great day! 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How's your fruit, How's your health

Does anyone else get a guilty feeling every time a speaker talks about doing something.  Like you all need to bear fruit or wind souls or quit gossiping or whatever topic they are talking about.  I do I could have not gossiped in a year and I still feel guilty about that I have no idea why but I do.  The scriptures do this to me sometimes.  As I think about it... that's okay.  I am not perfect, I can always use a reminder of stepping up in whatever area of my life.  The scripture that is constantly spinning around in my head is Matthew 7.  When Jesus talks about Fruit what does he mean? Am I bearing fruit?  I know I don't want to be cut down?  Does this mean I need to work harder, read more, talk more, prepare more?????  Maybe those are the wrong questions.

Matthew 7:16-20 (New International Version)
16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

I honestly don't know what this means for my life yet, I don't know what it means for yours either.  As I think about fruit though and trees producing it.  Things need to be right internally.  The roots and leaves have to be healthy to bear fruit.  So I have to ask how are my roots?  Is my faith deep in good soil?  How are my leaves?  Does my outward actions match my inward faith?  If those are healthy the fruit will be come in season.  I think sometimes I get thinking about why fruit isn't being produced in my life and honestly it just isn't the right season. 

Let your self off the guilt trip, concentrate on being healthy.  Truly healthy, Take a walk. Pray alongside a river or lake. Read the Bible in a different version than you are used to.  Get healthy and in your season you will yield a huge harvest.