Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fasting as Discipline

Fasting is a spiritual discipline and honestly it is hard.  I would much rather read my Bible where the only discomfort is if I get a paper cut.  But the beauty of Fasting is its ability to be a gateway to other disciplines.  If you are willing to commit to fasting how hard is it to pray, meditate, read, or experience silence? Maybe your wondering what to do when God calls you to himself in fasting how do you react what do you do in those times of hunger?  How should you get the most out of your fasting experience? The following are introductions to two different ways of including other spiritual disciplines in your fasting regimen.  If you can include these you will be on the road to a more fruitful experience.

Bible Reading
Read a section of scripture 3-7 verses not to big not to small
Pray that God would show you the words he wants to tell you.  (highlight them or write them down)
Read the same section for a second time
Pray about the meaning of those words
What is God telling you through them?
Read the same section a third time
Pray about how you are supposed to apply them to your life
What is God calling you do to do in response to His Word?
For more information on this type of reading look up Lectio Divina

Sit in silence (maybe you have to buy headphones to make this possible)
Get comfortable, put your hands open on your lap and both feet flat on the ground
Close your eyes, breathe in deeply, exhale, breathe in, exhale
Silence your mind and wait on God.  Just wait on God, don’t think!
Journal any ideas, thoughts, people that are brought to mind

Use the experience of Fasting as an opening to a deeper walk with  God.

If you are interested in learning more of spiritual disciplines
The Sacred Way, Tony Jones
Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster
The Life You always wanted, John Ortberg

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fasting as Worship

What do you get when you put 170 students in a room designed for 100 with a kickin’ band, fog machine, crazy lights, and amazing energy.  You might think chaos, odd smells, and stress.  I think of Worship.  Every Wednesday night at the Outback the room is alive with the anticipation of God’s glory to be shown and for the Holy spirit to make Himself known in the room.  I am awed by the corporate worship of our students, the fervor, the unashamed way they go about it.  I am humbled by the respect they show each other and the dignity they conduct themselves with.  It blows my mind and I can’t help but be swept away in the passion of a room of students chasing after God’s heart.

Combing that passion with a call to fast is a privilege and challenge.  One that will set our student ministry on a new and amazing course.  As we deepen our passionate worship to include fasting.  Fasting is an intimate and private of way to worship, it effects our corporate worship as well.  Where we raise our voices in praise on Wednesday’s or Sunday’s, fasting is done in the stillness and the quietness of our souls.  It brings our hearts and minds to the sacred.  Fasting is Worship just as singing is.  Where singing is an active proclamation with our mouths of the adoration of God.  Fasting involves our minds and wills to say God is great and in control.  Fasting is a lifestyle worship not an event driven worship.  Combine the two together where our minds, our bodies, our will, our tongues, our community are all focused in worship of God.  Lets just say I can’t wait until next week…

Actions Step Read Isaiah 58: 1-14
How does fasting and worship work in you life?
Are we guilty of any of the dangers Isaiah warns us about?
Do we bring worship and glory to God in our fasting?
Take a look at you fasting history are there changes that need to be made?
Journal your thoughts!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fasting as Excitement

Today I’m excited!  Excited about this new season for our church.  So many people are fasting and praying together.  It is like God is opening our heart and shining his glory into each one of our lives.  As a staff we have experienced new levels of togetherness and new insights together.  We have already seen miracles happen and this has only been going on for three days!  God is moving in ways we have been praying about for months.  So I’m excited.  I’m looking for all the new ways God is moving in our people, among our staff, in our community.  I am prepared to be amazed, baffled, perplexed by the glory of God.

Today let the distraction melt away and concentrate on what God is going to do in our body (the church).  The passion He has given our students, the talent He has given our worship Team, the purpose He has given our staff, I can’t be anything but expectant of miracles.  Honestly, I am excited to be apart of this move of God.  It brings joy to my heart, purpose to my steps, and direction to my day. 

So what has fasting got to do with the excitement?  For me it removed the day to day grind.   The distractions of the mundane, of the to do list, of the normal.  Fasting has brought the move of God back to the forefront of my mind.  Maybe today you need to see God at the front of your life not the side or the back but in Hid rightful place as the divine driver.  Often I forget that God is driving this thing, not me, not you, or someone else.  That this is God’s body not mine.  Its simple really but oh so exciting!

Action Steps:
How is God opening your mind to new things in this season?
What are you most excited about in the future for BridgePointe?
Where have you seen God moving in this season?
Journal it!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fasting as Clarity

      I never have really thought about how much clutter food is in my life.  I mean I just enjoy eating.  I enjoy the smell, taste, texture,  of good food.  But to achieve that culinary bliss there is a lot of work that goes  it to it. I think about what I’m going to eat, where to get it, do I have a coupon, do
I make it or pay someone else to make it, and how many calories does it have in it. I’ve noticed this is not so much work but clutter.  As we fast there are moments, these wonderful moments, of clarity, inspiration, and insights that I never have while not fasting.  Maybe it is the decluttering, maybe it is the removing of something that takes so much of my time, energy, thought. that opens the door for God to be more present in my life. Because now that I am on this fasting journey I in moments of concentrated prayer or meditation a thought will bloom I my mind, heart and soul. A totally transformational thought that has reverberation throughout my whole life.  The kind of clear directional thoughts that you know can only come from Holy Spirit.  Maybe one of the things that God is teaching us throughout this experience is that when we remove the clutter He is there.  When we remove the daily grind of food  preparation we get to see God more clearly.  So that brings to mind a bunch of other questions for me.  What do I clutter my life with on a daily basis?  If the removal of something as simple as food from my life can offer such insights and deeper revelations of God in my life how much more if I turn off the TV, Facebook, Cell Phone, Twitter, Blog Feeds (Not this one), Fantasy Football,  and Email. 

Action Step:
What clutters your life?
Can you remove anything in your daily regimen to bring simplicity to your life?
Have you experienced clarity I thought in your fasting?  If not don’t give up give yourself to prayer.  Don’t give up!
Journal it all!     

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fasting as Rest

Think about all the appliances you use during the day.  The coffee maker, toaster, microwave, stove top, coffee maker again, dishwasher.  Those I use just to get the kids ready for the day.  With the thought always in the back of your mind what’s next for lunch or dinner, do I need to go to the store. 

Now multiply that feeling a thousand times.  That’s what it must feel like to keep kosher.  Kosher is the adherents to all the Old Testament food laws.  There are regulation on what you can eat, how you can cook it, what pots and pans it can touch.  My anxiety goes up just thinking about trying to feed a family that way.  If you want to explore Kosher more check this out

This made me think about the rest that would take place during a fast for ancient followers of God.  During the fast they wouldn’t have to deal with the weight of the food laws on there minds.  In this sense Fasting is a release of mind to focus on God.  We can open our minds to all that God has for us because we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from.  We know it is a spiritual meal from God.

Matthew 11:28-29 NIV
“Come to me all you who are wear and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle an humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

As we draw closer to God in this time of fasting and praying please don’t make the mistake of looking at is as something else you have to do.  During this time ask God to give rest to your soul.  That He would nurture your spirit with supernatural food in ways that food can never do.  Bask in  the rest that fasting gives you.  Savor the flavor of God in your life.  Delight in the presence of God in your daily life.  Relish the lingering taste of communion with God.

Actions Steps today
Journal your thoughts today. Where are the areas you are hungry in?  Where do you need God’s rest to flood over you? 
If you have time take a walk with God today and listen for his voice don’t talk just listen.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Are you hungry?

The journey of fasting is a beautiful one.  Fasting takes a body that is full and makes it hungry and spirit that is hungry and fills it.  Fasting is a concentrated effort to deny oneself to grow closer to the heartbeat of God.  As we start this journey of fasting.  Prepare your motives for Fasting.  Ask yourself a few questions. 
            Why are you fasting?
Have a specific goal and purpose behind it.  Tailor your prayers and Bible reading for the subject you reaching for.
Who knows you are fasting?
The scripture is very clear that Fasting is a private act and not something that is used to draw attention to yourself .
Matthew 6:16-18 (New International Version)
 16"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Tell your spouse or whoever makes your meals your intention but after that no one needs to know. 
Fasting is not something to make you a super Christian or a badge of honor.  It about you bringing your heart closer to God’s heart.
Fasting is not a hunger strike to try and manipulate God.  It is a way in which you can become laser focused on what God is saying to you and has for you in this season.
How long are you going to fast?
Have a clear time limit.  Set realistic goals this is incredibly important if you are new to fasting.   Headaches are normal your body is accustomed to all kinds of chemicals and caffeine.  Drink plenty of water and that should limit the discomfort and help you get rid of the toxins in your system.  If fasting for more than a day have a plan of what to eat when you come of off the fast.  Hint:  No greasy foods and stay away from high acidic foods.
Action Step
Write down your motives for fasting in a journal and keep the thoughts that God gives you written down so that you can refer back to then and see how God has changed you through your experience.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Attention Fusion ladies!
Do you have a facebook? If so, take a minute to join "Radiant", a group just for you. It is the perfect way to stay connected with your friends, and updated on girls' events that are happening. Check it out, invite more people to join, and stay tuned for more information!

If you don't have a facebook but you still want to be updated, shoot me an email:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am really excited about Elements starting this Sunday night.  Elements is our Student Life small group opportunity.  In Elements Middle School students will learn the basics of faith.  Who God is,  what it means to follow God, how to share your faith, etc.  High School will be learning about how to the put there faith in practice in the personal time with God.  They will cover Bible Study, Fasting, Prayer, Journling, and Worship.  These lessons have been written by our leaders for our students.  I am incredibly proud of our team and the effort that has gone into this material.  These meeting take place the next 6 weeks and go from 6:30-8 on Sunday nights

6th grade

The Weiss's
906 Laurel Crest Dr
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Waters
407 Raven Mocker Lane
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Jamieson's
810 Brookside Court
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Boerner's
1618 Clark Lake Drive NW
Acworth, GA 30102

The Troche's
702 Standing Turkey Court
Woodstock, GA 30189

The Walker's
304 Parke Court
Woodstock, Ga  30189

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fasting as Discipline

Fasting is a spiritual discipline and honestly it is hard.  I would much rather read my Bible where the only discomfort is if I get a paper cut.  But the beauty of Fasting is its ability to be a gateway to other disciplines.  If you are willing to commit to fasting how hard is it to pray, meditate, read, or experience silence? Maybe your wondering what to do when God calls you to himself in fasting how do you react what do you do in those times of hunger?  How should you get the most out of your fasting experience? The following are introductions to two different ways of including other spiritual disciplines in your fasting regimen.  If you can include these you will be on the road to a more fruitful experience.

Bible Reading
Read a section of scripture 3-7 verses not to big not to small
Pray that God would show you the words he wants to tell you.  (highlight them or write them down)
Read the same section for a second time
Pray about the meaning of those words
What is God telling you through them?
Read the same section a third time
Pray about how you are supposed to apply them to your life
What is God calling you do to do in response to His Word?
For more information on this type of reading look up Lectio Divina

Sit in silence (maybe you have to buy headphones to make this possible)
Get comfortable, put your hands open on your lap and both feet flat on the ground
Close your eyes, breathe in deeply, exhale, breathe in, exhale
Silence your mind and wait on God.  Just wait on God, don’t think!
Journal any ideas, thoughts, people that are brought to mind

Use the experience of Fasting as an opening to a deeper walk with  God.

If you are interested in learning more of spiritual disciplines
The Sacred Way, Tony Jones
Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster
The Life You always wanted, John Ortberg

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fasting as Worship

What do you get when you put 170 students in a room designed for 100 with a kickin’ band, fog machine, crazy lights, and amazing energy.  You might think chaos, odd smells, and stress.  I think of Worship.  Every Wednesday night at the Outback the room is alive with the anticipation of God’s glory to be shown and for the Holy spirit to make Himself known in the room.  I am awed by the corporate worship of our students, the fervor, the unashamed way they go about it.  I am humbled by the respect they show each other and the dignity they conduct themselves with.  It blows my mind and I can’t help but be swept away in the passion of a room of students chasing after God’s heart.

Combing that passion with a call to fast is a privilege and challenge.  One that will set our student ministry on a new and amazing course.  As we deepen our passionate worship to include fasting.  Fasting is an intimate and private of way to worship, it effects our corporate worship as well.  Where we raise our voices in praise on Wednesday’s or Sunday’s, fasting is done in the stillness and the quietness of our souls.  It brings our hearts and minds to the sacred.  Fasting is Worship just as singing is.  Where singing is an active proclamation with our mouths of the adoration of God.  Fasting involves our minds and wills to say God is great and in control.  Fasting is a lifestyle worship not an event driven worship.  Combine the two together where our minds, our bodies, our will, our tongues, our community are all focused in worship of God.  Lets just say I can’t wait until next week…

Actions Step Read Isaiah 58: 1-14
How does fasting and worship work in you life?
Are we guilty of any of the dangers Isaiah warns us about?
Do we bring worship and glory to God in our fasting?
Take a look at you fasting history are there changes that need to be made?
Journal your thoughts!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fasting as Excitement

Today I’m excited!  Excited about this new season for our church.  So many people are fasting and praying together.  It is like God is opening our heart and shining his glory into each one of our lives.  As a staff we have experienced new levels of togetherness and new insights together.  We have already seen miracles happen and this has only been going on for three days!  God is moving in ways we have been praying about for months.  So I’m excited.  I’m looking for all the new ways God is moving in our people, among our staff, in our community.  I am prepared to be amazed, baffled, perplexed by the glory of God.

Today let the distraction melt away and concentrate on what God is going to do in our body (the church).  The passion He has given our students, the talent He has given our worship Team, the purpose He has given our staff, I can’t be anything but expectant of miracles.  Honestly, I am excited to be apart of this move of God.  It brings joy to my heart, purpose to my steps, and direction to my day. 

So what has fasting got to do with the excitement?  For me it removed the day to day grind.   The distractions of the mundane, of the to do list, of the normal.  Fasting has brought the move of God back to the forefront of my mind.  Maybe today you need to see God at the front of your life not the side or the back but in Hid rightful place as the divine driver.  Often I forget that God is driving this thing, not me, not you, or someone else.  That this is God’s body not mine.  Its simple really but oh so exciting!

Action Steps:
How is God opening your mind to new things in this season?
What are you most excited about in the future for BridgePointe?
Where have you seen God moving in this season?
Journal it!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fasting as Clarity

      I never have really thought about how much clutter food is in my life.  I mean I just enjoy eating.  I enjoy the smell, taste, texture,  of good food.  But to achieve that culinary bliss there is a lot of work that goes  it to it. I think about what I’m going to eat, where to get it, do I have a coupon, do
I make it or pay someone else to make it, and how many calories does it have in it. I’ve noticed this is not so much work but clutter.  As we fast there are moments, these wonderful moments, of clarity, inspiration, and insights that I never have while not fasting.  Maybe it is the decluttering, maybe it is the removing of something that takes so much of my time, energy, thought. that opens the door for God to be more present in my life. Because now that I am on this fasting journey I in moments of concentrated prayer or meditation a thought will bloom I my mind, heart and soul. A totally transformational thought that has reverberation throughout my whole life.  The kind of clear directional thoughts that you know can only come from Holy Spirit.  Maybe one of the things that God is teaching us throughout this experience is that when we remove the clutter He is there.  When we remove the daily grind of food  preparation we get to see God more clearly.  So that brings to mind a bunch of other questions for me.  What do I clutter my life with on a daily basis?  If the removal of something as simple as food from my life can offer such insights and deeper revelations of God in my life how much more if I turn off the TV, Facebook, Cell Phone, Twitter, Blog Feeds (Not this one), Fantasy Football,  and Email. 

Action Step:
What clutters your life?
Can you remove anything in your daily regimen to bring simplicity to your life?
Have you experienced clarity I thought in your fasting?  If not don’t give up give yourself to prayer.  Don’t give up!
Journal it all!     

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fasting as Rest

Think about all the appliances you use during the day.  The coffee maker, toaster, microwave, stove top, coffee maker again, dishwasher.  Those I use just to get the kids ready for the day.  With the thought always in the back of your mind what’s next for lunch or dinner, do I need to go to the store. 

Now multiply that feeling a thousand times.  That’s what it must feel like to keep kosher.  Kosher is the adherents to all the Old Testament food laws.  There are regulation on what you can eat, how you can cook it, what pots and pans it can touch.  My anxiety goes up just thinking about trying to feed a family that way.  If you want to explore Kosher more check this out

This made me think about the rest that would take place during a fast for ancient followers of God.  During the fast they wouldn’t have to deal with the weight of the food laws on there minds.  In this sense Fasting is a release of mind to focus on God.  We can open our minds to all that God has for us because we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from.  We know it is a spiritual meal from God.

Matthew 11:28-29 NIV
“Come to me all you who are wear and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle an humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

As we draw closer to God in this time of fasting and praying please don’t make the mistake of looking at is as something else you have to do.  During this time ask God to give rest to your soul.  That He would nurture your spirit with supernatural food in ways that food can never do.  Bask in  the rest that fasting gives you.  Savor the flavor of God in your life.  Delight in the presence of God in your daily life.  Relish the lingering taste of communion with God.

Actions Steps today
Journal your thoughts today. Where are the areas you are hungry in?  Where do you need God’s rest to flood over you? 
If you have time take a walk with God today and listen for his voice don’t talk just listen.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Are you hungry?

The journey of fasting is a beautiful one.  Fasting takes a body that is full and makes it hungry and spirit that is hungry and fills it.  Fasting is a concentrated effort to deny oneself to grow closer to the heartbeat of God.  As we start this journey of fasting.  Prepare your motives for Fasting.  Ask yourself a few questions. 
            Why are you fasting?
Have a specific goal and purpose behind it.  Tailor your prayers and Bible reading for the subject you reaching for.
Who knows you are fasting?
The scripture is very clear that Fasting is a private act and not something that is used to draw attention to yourself .
Matthew 6:16-18 (New International Version)
 16"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Tell your spouse or whoever makes your meals your intention but after that no one needs to know. 
Fasting is not something to make you a super Christian or a badge of honor.  It about you bringing your heart closer to God’s heart.
Fasting is not a hunger strike to try and manipulate God.  It is a way in which you can become laser focused on what God is saying to you and has for you in this season.
How long are you going to fast?
Have a clear time limit.  Set realistic goals this is incredibly important if you are new to fasting.   Headaches are normal your body is accustomed to all kinds of chemicals and caffeine.  Drink plenty of water and that should limit the discomfort and help you get rid of the toxins in your system.  If fasting for more than a day have a plan of what to eat when you come of off the fast.  Hint:  No greasy foods and stay away from high acidic foods.
Action Step
Write down your motives for fasting in a journal and keep the thoughts that God gives you written down so that you can refer back to then and see how God has changed you through your experience.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Attention Fusion ladies!
Do you have a facebook? If so, take a minute to join "Radiant", a group just for you. It is the perfect way to stay connected with your friends, and updated on girls' events that are happening. Check it out, invite more people to join, and stay tuned for more information!

If you don't have a facebook but you still want to be updated, shoot me an email:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am really excited about Elements starting this Sunday night.  Elements is our Student Life small group opportunity.  In Elements Middle School students will learn the basics of faith.  Who God is,  what it means to follow God, how to share your faith, etc.  High School will be learning about how to the put there faith in practice in the personal time with God.  They will cover Bible Study, Fasting, Prayer, Journling, and Worship.  These lessons have been written by our leaders for our students.  I am incredibly proud of our team and the effort that has gone into this material.  These meeting take place the next 6 weeks and go from 6:30-8 on Sunday nights

6th grade

The Weiss's
906 Laurel Crest Dr
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Waters
407 Raven Mocker Lane
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Jamieson's
810 Brookside Court
Woodstock Ga 30189

The Boerner's
1618 Clark Lake Drive NW
Acworth, GA 30102

The Troche's
702 Standing Turkey Court
Woodstock, GA 30189

The Walker's
304 Parke Court
Woodstock, Ga  30189