Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fasting as Rest

Think about all the appliances you use during the day.  The coffee maker, toaster, microwave, stove top, coffee maker again, dishwasher.  Those I use just to get the kids ready for the day.  With the thought always in the back of your mind what’s next for lunch or dinner, do I need to go to the store. 

Now multiply that feeling a thousand times.  That’s what it must feel like to keep kosher.  Kosher is the adherents to all the Old Testament food laws.  There are regulation on what you can eat, how you can cook it, what pots and pans it can touch.  My anxiety goes up just thinking about trying to feed a family that way.  If you want to explore Kosher more check this out http://www.jewfaq.org/kashrut.htm

This made me think about the rest that would take place during a fast for ancient followers of God.  During the fast they wouldn’t have to deal with the weight of the food laws on there minds.  In this sense Fasting is a release of mind to focus on God.  We can open our minds to all that God has for us because we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from.  We know it is a spiritual meal from God.

Matthew 11:28-29 NIV
“Come to me all you who are wear and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle an humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

As we draw closer to God in this time of fasting and praying please don’t make the mistake of looking at is as something else you have to do.  During this time ask God to give rest to your soul.  That He would nurture your spirit with supernatural food in ways that food can never do.  Bask in  the rest that fasting gives you.  Savor the flavor of God in your life.  Delight in the presence of God in your daily life.  Relish the lingering taste of communion with God.

Actions Steps today
Journal your thoughts today. Where are the areas you are hungry in?  Where do you need God’s rest to flood over you? 
If you have time take a walk with God today and listen for his voice don’t talk just listen.

1 comment:

  1. very wise words Hous. I pray that people read this and act on it. with all of this attention towards fasting in our church, i pray that it doesn't just become a "cool thing to do". thats why i think its so important for fasting to be private.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fasting as Rest

Think about all the appliances you use during the day.  The coffee maker, toaster, microwave, stove top, coffee maker again, dishwasher.  Those I use just to get the kids ready for the day.  With the thought always in the back of your mind what’s next for lunch or dinner, do I need to go to the store. 

Now multiply that feeling a thousand times.  That’s what it must feel like to keep kosher.  Kosher is the adherents to all the Old Testament food laws.  There are regulation on what you can eat, how you can cook it, what pots and pans it can touch.  My anxiety goes up just thinking about trying to feed a family that way.  If you want to explore Kosher more check this out http://www.jewfaq.org/kashrut.htm

This made me think about the rest that would take place during a fast for ancient followers of God.  During the fast they wouldn’t have to deal with the weight of the food laws on there minds.  In this sense Fasting is a release of mind to focus on God.  We can open our minds to all that God has for us because we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from.  We know it is a spiritual meal from God.

Matthew 11:28-29 NIV
“Come to me all you who are wear and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle an humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

As we draw closer to God in this time of fasting and praying please don’t make the mistake of looking at is as something else you have to do.  During this time ask God to give rest to your soul.  That He would nurture your spirit with supernatural food in ways that food can never do.  Bask in  the rest that fasting gives you.  Savor the flavor of God in your life.  Delight in the presence of God in your daily life.  Relish the lingering taste of communion with God.

Actions Steps today
Journal your thoughts today. Where are the areas you are hungry in?  Where do you need God’s rest to flood over you? 
If you have time take a walk with God today and listen for his voice don’t talk just listen.

1 comment:

  1. very wise words Hous. I pray that people read this and act on it. with all of this attention towards fasting in our church, i pray that it doesn't just become a "cool thing to do". thats why i think its so important for fasting to be private.
